Example: High Speed DAC/ADC

A FrontPanel Alloy GUI enables users to generate and view signals with multiple frequency vectors using the SZG-DAC-AD9116 and the SZG-ADC-LTC226x on an XEM8320-AU25P. The FrontPanel Subsystem Vivado IP Core stimulates our HLS Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) cores to combine and convert these vectors into a time domain digital output signal and vice versa. A signal generator only version using an XFP GUI + Lua scripting is also provided.

This sample paired with an Opal Kelly FPGA Development or Integration module provides a great starting template for those interested in DSP applications. The sample can be enhanced by additional DSP processing through additional user defined AMD-Xilinx’s HLS cores, or through AMD-Xilinx’s Filter, Modulation, Trig Functions, etc. DSP IP Cores.

Artix-7 and Legacy ADC and DAC Example Support Information

We currently have simpler ADC and DAC example designs available on our open source Github that target the XEM7320 and the XEM8320. Note, these are no longer supported or maintained.

The ADC design is a simple scope that uses Python to display the signals from the ADC. More information is available in the READMEs for the desired XEM module.

The DAC design features AM/FM modulation and can pipe audio into the design to modulate it over a carrier wave with the requested parameters. You can learn more about it on our blog, here.


Learning Objectives

Users will be able to:

  1. Create IPI Block Designer projects utilizing the FrontPanel Subsystem Vivado IP Core.
  2. Use an XFP GUI with FrontPanel Scripting and/or a FrontPanel Alloy GUI for control of FrontPanel-enabled gateware.
  3. Get introduced to a workflow that incorporates FrontPanel and AMD-Xilinx’s High Level Synthesis (HLS) components.

Getting Started


FrontPanel Alloy Signal Generator + Spectrum Analyzer

The goal of this tutorial is to use the provided prebuilt bitfile in-hardware to generate a four-tone signal and verify the time and frequency domain characteristics of the signal.

The Signal Generator component of the user interface will be used to configure the IFFT to produce the signal that is output through the SZG-DAC-AD9116. The signal will be routed to the SZG-ADC-LTC226x and the FFT to produce time and frequency domain plots.

Hardware Setup

  1. Power off the XEM8320-AU25P.
  2. Connect a SZG-DAC-AD9116 to port A on the XEM8320-AU25P.
  3. Connect a SZG-ADC-LTC226x to port B on the XEM8320-AU25P.
  4. Connect one of the outputs of the SZG-DAC-AD9116 to one of the inputs of the SZG-ADC-LTC226x.
  5. Power on the XEM8320-AU25P using a 12-volt supply.
  6. Connect the XEM8320-AU25P to a PC using a USB-C cable.

FrontPanel Application Setup for Alloy GUI

  1. Open FrontPanel 6.0.0 or later.
  2. Click the Download FPGA Configuration button.
  3. Select the bitfile that corresponds to the SZG-ADC-LTC226x.
    • SZG-ADC-LTC2264-12 requires DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-ADC-12-v1.0.bit
    • SZG-ADC-LTC2268-14 requires DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-ADC-14-v1.0.bit
  4. Click the Load FrontPanel Profile button.
  5. Select the index.html file contained in the DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-v1.0-AlloyApplication.zip and click the open button.

Signal Generator Configuration

  1. Enable Auto Scaling.
  2. Enable the first four frequency vectors.
  3. Set the first frequency vector to bin number 199 and -1 dBFS.
  4. Set the second fequency vector to bin number 287 and -7 dBFS.
  5. Set the third frequency vector to bin number 246 and -28 dBFS.
  6. Set the fourth frequency vector to bin number 39 and 0 dBFS.
  7. The Time Domain chart should show the waveform of four-tone signal.
  8. The Spectrum chart should show the frequency domain representation of the four-tone signal.

XFP Signal Generator Example

The goal of this tutorial is to produce a three-tone wave using the provided prebuilt bitfile in-hardware and capturing the result on an oscilloscope.

Hardware Setup

  1. Power off the XEM8320-AU25P.
  2. Connect a SZG-DAC-AD9116 to port A on the XEM8320-AU25P.
  3. Power on the XEM8320-AU25P using a 12-volt supply.
  4. Connect the XEM8320-AU25P to a PC using a USB-C cable.

Oscilloscope Setup

  1. Connect an oscilloscope probe to either SZG-DAC-AD9116 output’s center pin, and ground the signal on the outer SMA connector, if using a standard probe.
  2. Set the oscilloscope to center 0 volts, with a vertical range of +/- ~1 volt.

FrontPanel Application Setup

  1. Open FrontPanel 5.2.12 or later.
  2. Click the Download FPGA Configuration button.
  3. Select the bitfile that corresponds to the SZG-ADC-LTC226x.
    • SZG-ADC-LTC2264-12 requires DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-ADC-12-v1.0.bit
    • SZG-ADC-LTC2268-14 requires DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-ADC-14-v1.0.bit
  4. Click the Load FrontPanel Profile button and select FFTSignalGenerator.xfp.
    Note: FFTSignalGenerator.lua needs to be in the same directory as FFTSignalGenerator.xfp.

Signal Generator Configuration

  1. Click Reset IFFT.
  2. Enable Auto Scaling.
  3. Enable bins 1, 2, and 3. Leave bin 4 disabled.
  4. Set bin 1 to bin number 1, bin 2 to bin number 2, and bin 3 to bin number 18.
  5. Use your mouse’s scroll wheel to set their corresponding dBFS values to -1, -7, and -28.
  6. There should now be a three-tone sine wave displaying on the oscilloscope, as shown below.

How-To Setup the Project

We provide various build scripts for instructing Vitis HLS to build our FFT core, creating the Vivado project, configuring the required IP Cores, and constructing the IPI Block Design Project. The end result of this How-To is the construction of the following Vivado IPI Block Design project:

This design requires the following to build:


  1. Follow How-To Install for the XEM8320-AU25P’s Board file v1.2 or later.
  2. Follow Add IP Cores’ Distribution to Vivado for Vivado IP Cores’ Distribution v1.0.2 or later. The location you installed this Distribution to will be used in step 6.
  3. Extract the sample’s release’s Source Code (zip or tar.gz).
  4. Open a command prompt and cd to the DAC-ADC example folder.
    cd C:/pathToDownload/design-resources-DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-vX.Y/ExampleProjects/DAC-ADC
    Note: PowerShell won’t work, Command Prompt must be used.
  5. Run the settings64.bat file in the Vitis HLS and Vivado installation directories.
  6. Run the appropriate .bat file for your SZG-ADC-LTC226x target:
    – For SZG-ADC-LTC2264-12, use windows_create_project-adc-12.bat.
    – For SZG-ADC-LTC2264-14, use windows_create_project-adc-14.bat.
    Provide the path to the Vivado IP Cores’ Distribution as an argument:
    windows_create_project-adc-12.bat C:/pathToDownload/FrontPanel-Vivado-IP-Dist-vX.Y.Z


  1. Follow How-To Install for the XEM8320-AU25P’s Board file v1.2 or later.
  2. Follow Add IP Cores’ Distribution to Vivado for Vivado IP Cores’ Distribution v1.0.2 or later. The location you installed this Distribution to will be used in step 6.
  3. Extract the sample’s release’s Source Code (zip or tar.gz).
  4. Open a terminal and cd to the DAC-ADC example folder.
    cd C:/pathToDownload/design-resources-DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-vX.Y/ExampleProjects/DAC-ADC
  5. Run the settings64.sh files in the Vitis HLS and Vivado installation directories.
    source path/to/vitis/2023.2/settings64.sh
    source path/to/vivado/2023.2/settings64.sh
  6. Run the appropriate .bat file for your SZG-ADC-LTC226x target:
    – For SZG-ADC-LTC2264-12, use linux_create_project-adc-12.bat.
    – For SZG-ADC-LTC2264-14, use linux_create_project-adc-14.bat.
    Provide the path to the Vivado IP Cores’ Distribution as an argument:
    linux_create_project-adc-12.bat C:/pathToDownload/FrontPanel-Vivado-IP-Dist-vX.Y.Z

How-To Run the Behavioral Simulation

We utilize the Behavioral Simulation features of the FrontPanel Subsystem Vivado IP Core to provide a simulation of the design. The end result of this How-To is the creation of a simulation waveform for a two-tone wave with simulated PipeOut reads of the FFT calculations:

  1. Follow How-To Setup the Project
  2. In Vivado, launch Flow>Run Simulation>Run Behavioral Simulation
  3. Launch Run>Run All

How-To Generate the Bitfile

  1. Follow How-To Setup the Project
  2. In Vivado, launch Flow>Generate Bitfile

How-To Build the Alloy Application



  1. Extract the sample’s release’s Source Code (zip or tar.gz).
  2. cd to the Alloy folder:
    cd C:/pathToDownload/design-resources-DAC-ADC-ExampleDesign-vX.Y/ExampleProjects/DAC-ADC/Software/Alloy
  3. Install the dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Build the application:
    npm run build

Gateware Architecture Reference

Below we define terms and three important data flow stages for this sample:


FrontPanel Alloy Application GUI Reference

Signal Generator Panel

The components of this panel are used to control the output of the DAC.

  • Add Tone – This appends a new frequency vector component to the list.
  • Autoscale – If enabled, will scale the output signal so that it does not exceed the maximum in order to prevent clipping.
  • Frequency Vector
    • Bin Slider – This sets the frequency bin number used to configure the IFFT.
    • Frequency (kHz) – The frequency corresponding to the bin number selected.
    • Magnitude (dBFS) – DeciBel Full Scale. 0 = full power, -120 = nearly off.
    • Enabled – If checked, the frequency vector will be included when computing the output signal.
    • X – Removes the frequency vector component from the list.
  • Reset – Resets the signal generator components of the design.

Time Domain and Spectrum Panels

The components of these panels are used to retrieve and visualize the input of the ADC.

  • Continuous – If enabled, will continuously retrieve frames of 1,024 samples acquired from the ADC.
  • Sample – Retrieves a single frame of 1,024 samples acquired from the ADC.
  • Reset – Resets the data acquisition components of the design.
  • Time Domain Chart – Displays a frame of 1,024 samples retrieved for each of two separate channels.
  • Spectrum Chart – Displays the results retrieved from the FFT corresponding to the samples acquired from the ADC.

XFP GUI Reference

The user interface shown above has the following components to control the behavior of the FFT signal generator:

  • Bin Number – This selects a frequency bin number in the FFT to activate, from 0 to 127.
  • dBFS – DeciBel Full Scale. 0 = full power, 120 = nearly off.
    Note: You must use your scroll wheel to input into this entry
  • Enable – If unchecked, disables the bin. Also discludes the dBFS value from any Auto Scaling calculations.
  • Frequency (kHz) – The frequency of the specified Bin Number.
  • Enable Auto Scaling – If enabled, will prevent the sum of all the bin values (calculated from dBFS) from going over the maximum. This will prevent clipping. For example, if two bins were enabled with a dBFS of zero, the Lua script will halve the components to the selected bins and the output signal from the SZG-DAC will not be clipping.
  • Reset IFFT – Resets the design.


A limitation of the XFP and FrontPanel Alloy applications provided, is the inablitiy to set the phase of the frequency domain vectors of the Signal Generator. This involves specifying the complex component of the frequency bins. The functionality to do this is present in the gateware, but is not currently implemented in the applications provided with the example.

Release Notes

Our supported releases for the FFT Signal Generator sample are located on GitHub at:
opalkelly-opensource/design-resources Releases

High Speed DAC/ADC 1.0

FFT Signal Generator 1.0