Reset Profiles
Reset Profiles (USB 3.0 Only)
Reset Profiles are supported on select USB 3.0 devices. Reset Profiles are not supported on UltraScale or UltraScale+ devices.
A FrontPanel Reset Profile defines a structured approach to setting up your FPGA design after configuration has completed. The intent is to simplify initialization of your FrontPanel-enabled design by making sure certain inputs (such as WireIns or Registers) are setup prior to deasserting RESET. Including a Reset Profile, the FPGA configuration process includes the steps illustrated below.

- FPGA configuration is initiated, clearing the present configuration memory.
- RESET is asserted (active high).
- Configuration data is transferred to the FPGA.
- Upon valid configuration, the FPGA indicates completion to the firmware. For AMD FPGAs, this corresponds to DONE going high.
- Pause for {DoneWait}, then WireIns are set to predefined values.
- RegisterIns are set to predifined values.
- Pause for {RegisterWait}, then RESET is deasserted.
- Pause for {ResetWait}, then predefined TriggerIns are activated.
- Configuration with Reset is complete.
The reset process is controlled using the Reset Profile defined with the okTFPGAResetProfile structure. FrontPanel API methods that accept a Reset Profile are described in the following table.
ConfigureFPGAWithReset | Configure the FPGA from a file and perform a Reset Profile after configuration. |
ConfigureFPGAFromMemoryWithReset | Configure the FPGA from memory and perform a Reset Profile after configuration |
GetFPGABootResetProfile | Retrieves the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is used for power-on configuration of the FPGA. |
GetFPGAJTAGResetProfile | Retrieves the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is used for JTAG configuration of the FPGA. |
SetFPGABootResetProfile | Sets the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is to be used for power-on configuration of the FPGA. |
SetFPGAJTAGResetProfile | Sets the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is to be used for JTAG configuration of the FPGA. |
typedef struct okFPGAResetRegisterEntry {
UINT32 address;
UINT32 data;
} okTFPGAResetRegisterEntry;
typedef struct okFPGAResetTriggerEntry {
UINT32 address;
UINT32 mask;
} okTFPGAResetTriggerEntry;
typedef struct okFPGAResetProfile {
UINT32 magic;
UINT32 configFileLocation;
UINT32 configFileLength;
UINT32 doneWaitUS;
UINT32 resetWaitUS;
UINT32 registerWaitUS;
UINT32 padBytes1[28];
UINT32 wireInValues[32];
UINT32 registerEntryCount;
okTFPGAResetRegisterEntry registerEntries[256];
UINT32 triggerEntryCount;
okTFPGAResetTriggerEntry triggerEntries[32];
UINT8 padBytes2[1520];
} okTFPGAResetProfile;