It is common for control signals to be shared across multiple modules or bussed signals to be “sliced” into separate subsets for different purposes. Use of AMD-Xilinx’s Slice IP core gets unruly as the design grows. We recommend a custom RTL Slicer to contain all your bus slicing requirements in one module.
We define a new naming convention for the sliced signals below. See Naming Convention Benefits for more information.
<Shorthand for endpoint type><Endpoint address in hexadecimal>_<bus description>_<sliced index range>_<signal description>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
An example use case of the slicer is illustrated below in the Vivado block designer.

Here are a few examples of applying the FrontPanel API to accomplish corresponding tasks in the gateware:
SetWireInValue(0x00, 0x1 << 3, 0x1 << 3)
- Bit 3 of WireIn x00 is set to
. - The mask assures that only bit 3 is affected.
- In the block diagram, this bit is set to
- Bit 3 of WireIn x00 is set to
SetWireInValue(0x00, 0xbeef0000, 0xffff0000)
- The upper word of WireIn x00 is set to
. - The mask assures that only the upper word is affected.
- The slicer rips bits 31:16 and passes them to
- The upper word of WireIn x00 is set to
ActivateTriggerIn(0x40, 4)
- Bit 4 of TriggerIn x40 is activated.
- The slicer rips bit 4 of the trigger bus and passes it to
Slicer HDL
The code below is the input to the IPI Block Designer corresponding to the slicer described in this example.
module fp_slicer(
(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " wirein00_descriptionA EP_DATAOUT" *)
input wire [31:0] wi00_ep_dataout,
(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " triggerin40_descriptionB EP_TRIGGER" *)
input wire [31:0] ti40_ep_trigger,
(* X_INTERFACE_INFO = " triggerin40_descriptionB EP_CLK" *)
output wire ti40_ep_clk,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_0_description0,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_1_description1,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_2_description2,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_3_description3,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_4_description4,
output wire wi00_descriptionA_5_description5,
output wire [5:0] wi00_descriptionA_11downto6_description6,
output wire [3:0] wi00_descriptionA_15downto12_description7,
output wire [15:0] wi00_descriptionA_31downto16_description8,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_0_description9,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_1_description10,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_2_description11,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_3_description12,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_4_description13,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_5_description14,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_6_description15,
output wire ti40_descriptionB_7_description16,
input wire okClk,
output wire okClk_out
assign wi00_descriptionA_0_description0 = wi00_ep_dataout[0];
assign wi00_descriptionA_1_description1 = wi00_ep_dataout[1];
assign wi00_descriptionA_2_description2 = wi00_ep_dataout[2];
assign wi00_descriptionA_3_description3 = wi00_ep_dataout[3];
assign wi00_descriptionA_4_description4 = wi00_ep_dataout[4];
assign wi00_descriptionA_5_description5 = wi00_ep_dataout[5];
assign wi00_descriptionA_11downto6_description6 = wi00_ep_dataout[11:6];
assign wi00_descriptionA_15downto12_description7 = wi00_ep_dataout[15:12];
assign wi00_descriptionA_31downto16_description8 = wi00_ep_dataout[31:16];
assign ti40_descriptionB_0_description9 = ti40_ep_trigger[0];
assign ti40_descriptionB_1_description10 = ti40_ep_trigger[1];
assign ti40_descriptionB_2_description11 = ti40_ep_trigger[2];
assign ti40_descriptionB_3_description12 = ti40_ep_trigger[3];
assign ti40_descriptionB_4_description13 = ti40_ep_trigger[4];
assign ti40_descriptionB_5_description14 = ti40_ep_trigger[5];
assign ti40_descriptionB_6_description15 = ti40_ep_trigger[6];
assign ti40_descriptionB_7_description16 = ti40_ep_trigger[7];
assign ti40_ep_clk = okClk;
assign okClk_out = okClk;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)