Reset Profiles

Reset Profiles (USB 3.0 Only)

Reset Profiles are supported on select USB 3.0 devices. Reset Profiles are not supported on UltraScale or UltraScale+ devices.

A FrontPanel Reset Profile defines a structured approach to setting up your FPGA design after configuration has completed. The intent is to simplify initialization of your FrontPanel-enabled design by making sure certain inputs (such as WireIns or Registers) are setup prior to deasserting RESET. Including a Reset Profile, the FPGA configuration process includes the steps illustrated below.

  1. FPGA configuration is initiated, clearing the present configuration memory.
  2. RESET is asserted (active high).
  3. Configuration data is transferred to the FPGA.
  4. Upon valid configuration, the FPGA indicates completion to the firmware. For AMD FPGAs, this corresponds to DONE going high.
  5. Pause for {DoneWait}, then WireIns are set to predefined values.
  6. RegisterIns are set to predifined values.
  7. Pause for {RegisterWait}, then RESET is deasserted.
  8. Pause for {ResetWait}, then predefined TriggerIns are activated.
  9. Configuration with Reset is complete.

The reset process is controlled using the Reset Profile defined with the okTFPGAResetProfile structure. FrontPanel API methods that accept a Reset Profile are described in the following table.

ConfigureFPGAWithResetConfigure the FPGA from a file and perform a Reset Profile after configuration.
ConfigureFPGAFromMemoryWithResetConfigure the FPGA from memory and perform a Reset Profile after configuration
GetFPGABootResetProfileRetrieves the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is used for power-on configuration of the FPGA.
GetFPGAJTAGResetProfileRetrieves the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is used for JTAG configuration of the FPGA.
SetFPGABootResetProfileSets the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is to be used for power-on configuration of the FPGA.
SetFPGAJTAGResetProfileSets the Reset Profile stored in Flash memory that is to be used for JTAG configuration of the FPGA.
typedef struct okFPGAResetRegisterEntry {
	UINT32   address;
	UINT32   data;
} okTFPGAResetRegisterEntry;

typedef struct okFPGAResetTriggerEntry {
	UINT32   address;
	UINT32   mask;
} okTFPGAResetTriggerEntry;

typedef struct okFPGAResetProfile {
	UINT32                     magic;
	UINT32                     configFileLocation;
	UINT32                     configFileLength;
	UINT32                     doneWaitUS;
	UINT32                     resetWaitUS;
	UINT32                     registerWaitUS;
	UINT32                     padBytes1[28];
	UINT32                     wireInValues[32];
	UINT32                     registerEntryCount;
	okTFPGAResetRegisterEntry  registerEntries[256];
	UINT32                     triggerEntryCount;
	okTFPGAResetTriggerEntry   triggerEntries[32];
	UINT8                      padBytes2[1520];
} okTFPGAResetProfile;