Product Lifecycle

Firmware Version History

Firmware updates are provided through the FrontPanel Application. Please see the Firmware Updates page for instructions on updating your device firmware. You will need to have a valid Pins registration and be approved for firmware downloads.

1.60ALLFixes issues with the ConfigureFPGAFromFlash API call functionality
1.56ALLCorrected the assertion of the RESET signal and updated it to a BOARD_READY signal (See the Host Interface page for more information)
Improved firmware startup time
1.55ALLFixed IPMI EEPROM program via FrontPanel application
1.49ALLUpdated temperature based fan control
Fixed a bug that could cause device sensors to stop updating
1.35ALLAdd support for an extended VIO range with supported hardware
See device setting XEM8350_LOW_VIO_SUPPORT. Boards manufactured after 2021-01-11
1.34ALLSYZYGY port config fixes for LVDS and TXR4 peripherals when using the BRK8350
1.31ALLInitial firmware release

HDL Version History

XEM8350s manufactured in 2022 and later will require bitfiles built using FrontPanel HDL from FrontPanel SDK version 5.2.5 or later. The first two numbers of the board’s serial number mark when it was manufactured, i.e. 2209000XXX. You can view attached board’s serial numbers in the Main Window of the FrontPanel Application.

PCB Version History

XEM8350-KU060BXXFirst production PCB.
XEM8350-KU060DXXImproved transceiver routing signal integrity.
Improved assembly yield.

The PCB revision is identified in the board silkscreen.

XEM8350-KU060 Rev DXX

Revision DXX is shipped for orders on or after 2020-11-20.

Several PCB routing optimizations were made to improve assembly qualification yield and transceiver signal integrity.  These changes are form/fit/function compatible with existing product at revision BXX.

Product Change Notifications

Product Change Notifications (PCN) are issued if a change to the product results in a change of mechanical or electrical behavior or reliability.

  • PCN-10079 – Remedy for incorrect set resistor installed on early production units for VCCINT power converter.
    Issue Date: 2021-01-01