Product Lifecycle

Firmware Version History

Firmware updates are provided through the FrontPanel Application. Please see the Firmware Updates page for instructions on updating your device firmware. You will need to have a valid Pins registration and be approved for firmware downloads.

1.60ALLFixes issues with the ConfigureFPGAFromFlash API call functionality
Improved firmware startup time
1.48FXXAdded support for board revision FXX
1.31Up to EXXFix low probability configuration failures
1.30Up to EXXFix an issue related to replacing obsolete Micron SPI flash with Cypress flash
1.29Up to EXXImprove firmware reliability in the case where USB is disconnected mid-transfer or the
host aborts an active transfer
1.26Up to EXXInitial firmware release

PCB Version History

20131121First production PCB
20160106Improved noise immunity for USB 3.0 microcontroller
20170822Update host interface power supplies
EXX (date code 20171018)Update battery backup circuit
FXXReplace EOL Enpirion power supply modules. See PCN-10113
Disable FPGA internal I/O pullup resistors at startup. See PCN-10116

The PCB revision is identified in the board silkscreen.

Product Change Notifications

Product Change Notifications (PCN) are issued if a change to the product results in a change of mechanical or electrical behavior or reliability.

  • PCN-10113 – Replace EOL Enpirion power supply modules.
    Issue Date: 2022-04-01
  • PCN-10116 – Disable FPGA internal I/O pullup resistors at startup.
    Issue Date: 2022-04-01