There are eight LEDs on the hub in addition to the power LEDs. Each is wired directly to the FPGA as shown in the table below.
D1 | W12 |
D2 | Y12 |
D3 | AA11 |
D4 | AB11 |
D5 | W13 |
D6 | Y13 |
D7 | AA12 |
D8 | AB12 |
The LED anodes are connected to a pull-up resistor to +3.3 V and the cathodes wired to MOSFETs connected to FPGA pins on Bank 13. Note that this bank is tied to VIO1. To use the LEDs VIO1 (and by extension PORT A) must be powered. To turn ON an LED, the FPGA pin should be at logic ‘1’. To turn OFF an LED, the FPGA pin should be at logic ‘0’.