Product Lifecycle

Lifecycle Management Notice

The XEM7320 is not classified as an Opal Kelly FPGA integration module and is therefore not subject to the same lifecycle management policies. Changes to this product may occur over the lifespan of the device that affect backward compatibility.

The XEM7310 is the companion integration module and is preferred for product integration.

Firmware Version History

Firmware updates are provided through the FrontPanel Application. Please see the Firmware Updates page for instructions on updating your device firmware. You will need to have a valid Pins registration and be approved for firmware downloads.

1.60ALLFixes issues with the ConfigureFPGAFromFlash API call functionality
Improved firmware startup time
1.33ALLUpdated SYZYGY support for specification release 1.1 and DNA specification release 1.1
1.32ALLFix for SYZYGY SmartVIO calculation with double wide peripherals
1.31ALLFix low probability configuration failures
1.30ALLInitial firmware release

PCB Version History

20171003First production PCB.

The PCB revision is identified in the board silkscreen.


PCB Revision 20171003

PCB Revision 20171003 was built with an incorrect hole diameter for the SYZYGY port mounting holes. These are the holes are either side of the SYZYGY connector. The holes on the 20171003 PCB are 2.7mm diameter.  The specified hole size per the SYZYGY specification is 3.2mm.

The 2.7mm diameter holes on PCB 20171003 will fit M2.5 thread size. The 04-40 thread size will fit, but not freely – it will need to be screwed into the hole.

The 3.2mm diameter holes (SYZYGY specified) will fit M3.0 and 04-40 thread sizes which have outer diameters of 3.0mm and 2.85mm, respectively.