IMPORTANT: You are currently viewing the documentation space for FrontPanel SDK Version 4.5. As of 2018-05-01, the most recent version of FrontPanel is FrontPanel SDK Version 5.0.

Opal Kelly’s FrontPanel software is designed to provide controllability and observability for FPGA designs.  It’s unique design allows users to describe their own control panels using industry-standard XML descriptions of components such as LEDs, hex displays, push buttons, toggle buttons, triggers, and so on.  The components then connect to endpoints within the user’s FPGA design.  Once connected, the interface details are transparent.  FrontPanel handles all interaction between the virtual controls and the FPGA internals.  In the end, FrontPanel eliminates the time and effort of interfacing to a design and greatly assists in the external controllability and observability of that design.


Software, documentation, samples, and related materials are Copyright © 2005-2018 Opal Kelly Incorporated.

Opal Kelly Incorporated
Portland, Oregon

All rights reserved.  Unauthorized duplication, in whole or part, of this document by any means except for brief excerpts in published reviews is prohibited without the express written permission of Opal Kelly Incorporated.

Opal Kelly® and FrontPanel® are registered trademarks of Opal Kelly Incorporated. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft and Windows are both registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners and no trademark rights are claimed.